§127A‑153. Protection of uniform.
(a) The wearing of anymilitary uniform of the United States government by members of the militiashall be pursuant to applicable regulations promulgated by the respective armedservices of the United States and regulations of the Adjutant General of NorthCarolina not inconsistent with federal uniform regulations.
(b) The wearing of anymilitary uniform of the North Carolina State government by members of themilitia shall be pursuant to applicable regulations promulgated by the AdjutantGeneral of North Carolina.
(c) Members of themilitia who violate the regulations referred to in (a) and (b) above shall,upon conviction by a court‑martial, be punished by a fine not exceedingfifty dollars ($50.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding 30 days, or by bothfine and imprisonment, for each offense.
(d) Persons not subjectto courts‑martial who violate the regulations referred to in (a) and (b)above may be charged and tried in the State courts and upon conviction shall bepunished as provided in (c) above. (1921, c. 120, s. 12; C.S.,s. 6895(a); 1963, c. 1017; 1975, c. 604, s. 2.)