§127A‑163. Powers of Department specified.
The Department of CrimeControl and Public Safety is further authorized and empowered:
(1) To act as an agencyof the State of North Carolina for the purpose of setting up and administeringany statewide plan for the acquisition of armories and armory sites, for theconstruction and maintenance of armories and for providing facilities which arenow or may be necessary in order to comply with any federal law and in order toreceive, administer and disburse any funds which may be provided by act ofCongress for such purpose;
(2) As such agency ofthe State of North Carolina, to promulgate statewide plans for the acquisitionof armories and armory sites, for the construction and maintenance of armoriesand such other facilities as may be found desirable or necessary to meet therequirements and receive the benefits of any federal legislation with respectthereto;
(3) To receive andadminister any funds which may be appropriated by any act of Congress orotherwise for the acquisition of armories and armory sites; for theconstruction and maintenance of armories and for providing facilities, whichmay at any time become available for such purposes;
(4) To receive andadminister any other funds which may be available in furtherance of anyactivity in which the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety isauthorized and empowered to engage under the provisions of this Article; and
(5) To adopt such rulesand regulations as may be necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of thisArticle. (1947, c. 1010, s. 5; 1973, c. 620, s. 9; 1975, c.604, s. 2; 1977, c. 70, s. 2.)