§ 127A‑23. Commissionsfor commandants and officers at qualified educational institutions.
The Governor of North Carolinais authorized to appoint and commission, as staff officers of the NorthCarolina unorganized militia, the officers of any university, college, academyor other educational institution which qualifies as herein provided. Anyuniversity, college, academy or other educational institution shall bequalified under this section when such institution has been regularlyincorporated under and by virtue of the laws of North Carolina; theinstitution, as a part of its courses of study, regularly teaches militaryscience and tactics; the Department of Defense at Washington, D.C., hasdetailed an officer of the armed forces as professor or assistant professor ofmilitary science and tactics; the institution has been designated as qualifiedby the secretary of the appropriate service and has been made a unit of theSenior or Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or the institution, nothaving a unit of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, has been approved andauthorized by the Secretary of Defense to participate in the National DefenseCadet Corps Training Program or other military training programs under Title10, United States Code, sections 3540 and 4651.
Any qualified institutiondesiring the appointment of officers in the North Carolina unorganized militiashall make application to the Governor setting forth all requisite facts as toits qualifications, the names of the persons to be commissioned, the rankdesired for each, and the person's position at the institution. The applicationshall be signed by the chancellor, president, superintendent or other presidingofficial, under the seal of the institution. Upon receipt of the application,the Governor may appoint and commission the officers of such qualifiedinstitution as follows: the chancellor, president, superintendent or otherpresiding official, as colonel; the vice‑president, principal or otherofficer second in authority, as major; the professors and members of thefaculty, as captains. The persons so commissioned shall have no connection withthe National Guard or other military forces of the State, nor shall theyexercise any military authority other than in the discharge of their duties attheir respective institutions. The commissions issued under this section may beterminated at the will of the Governor. (1919, c. 265, ss. 1, 2, 3; C.S., s. 6812; 1929, c.61, s. 1; 1963, c. 1095; 1973, c. 476, s. 128; 1975, c. 604, s. 2; 2009‑281,s. 1.)