§ 127A‑37. Enlistmentsin National Guard; oath of enlistment.
(a) Enlistments in theNational Guard shall be for such periods and subject to such qualifications asprescribed by the secretary of the appropriate service.
(b) Enlisted men shallnot be recognized as members of the National Guard until they shall havesubscribed to the following oath of enlistment:
"I do hereby acknowledgeto have voluntarily enlisted this ____day of______, ____, in the (Army) (Air)National Guard of the State of North Carolina and as a Reserve of the (Army)(Air Force) with membership in the (Army National Guard of the United States)(Air National Guard of the United States) for a period of (Years Months Days)under the conditions prescribed by law, unless sooner discharged by properauthority.
"I, (First Name MiddleName Last Name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defendthe Constitution of the United States and of the State of North Carolinaagainst all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith andallegiance to them; and that I will obey the orders of the President of theUnited States and the Governor of North Carolina and the orders of the officersappointed over me, according to law, regulations, and the Uniform Code of MilitaryJustice, so help me God." (1917, c. 200, s. 30; C.S., s. 6820; 1921, c. 120, s.6; 1957, c. 136, s. 6; 1959, c. 218, s. 10; 1975, c. 604, s. 2; 1999, c. 456,s. 59; 2009‑281, s. 1.)