§ 127A‑56. Powers ofcourts‑martial.
In the National Guard, not inthe service of the United States, presidents of courts‑martial andsummary court officers shall have power to issue warrants to arrest accusedpersons and to bring them before the court for trial whenever such personsshall have disobeyed an order in writing from the convening authority to appearbefore such court, a copy of the charge or charges having been delivered to theaccused with such order, and to issue commitments in carrying out sentences ofconfinement, and to issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum, and to enforceby attachment attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers,records and other articles subject to a subpoena duces tecum, and to sentencefor a refusal to be sworn or to answer as provided in actions before civilcourts. He shall also have power to punish for contempt occurring in thepresence of the court.
In addition to the power toissue warrants set forth in the first paragraph of this section, the arrest andconfinement of persons subject to this Chapter may be accomplished by the meansand under the procedures set forth in Articles 9 and 10 of the Uniform Code ofMilitary Justice, Manual for Courts‑Martial, United States, as shall becurrently in use by the armed forces of the United States. (1917, c. 200, s. 60; C.S.,s. 6830; 1957, c. 136, s. 12; 1975, c. 604, s. 2; 1983, c. 316, s. 5; 2009‑281,s. 1.)