Article 6.
Unorganized Militia.
§ 127A‑87. Unorganizedmilitia ordered out for service.
The commander in chief may atany time, in order to execute the law, secure the safety of persons andproperty, suppress riots or insurrections, repel invasions or provide disasterrelief, in addition to the National Guard, the State defense militia and thenaval militia, order out the whole or any part of the unorganized militia. Whenthe militia of this State or a part thereof is called forth under theConstitution and laws of the United States, the Governor shall first order outfor service the National Guard, the State defense militia or naval militia, orsuch thereof as may be necessary, and if the number available be insufficient,he shall then order out such a part of the unorganized militia as he may deemnecessary. During the absence or organizations of the National Guard or navalmilitia in the service of the United States, their state designations shall notbe given to new organizations. (1917, c. 200, s. 46; C.S., s. 6860; 1963, c. 1016,s. 2; 1975, c. 604, s. 2; 2009‑281, s. 1.)