§ 127A‑91. Promotion ofmarksmanship.
The Adjutant General isauthorized to detail a commissioned officer of the North Carolina NationalGuard or member of the State defense militia to promote rifle marksmanshipamong the State defense militia and the unorganized militia of the State. Suchofficer or member so detailed shall serve without pay and it shall be his dutyto organize and supervise rifle clubs in schools, colleges, universities, clubsand other groups, under such rules and regulations as the Adjutant Generalshall prescribe and in such manner to make them, when duly organized,acceptable for membership in the National Rifle Association. Provided, thatsuch duties and efforts shall in nowise interfere or conflict with clubs ofschools or units operating in R.O.T.C. or similar schools under the supervisionof armed forces instructors. (1937, c. 449; 1963, c. 1016, s. 2; 1975, c. 604, s.2; 2009‑281, s. 1.)