§127B‑4. Local governing authorities to grant and control license; bond.
(a) The governing bodyof any city, town, or county in this State may grant to such person,partnership, association or corporation as who shall produce satisfactoryevidence of good character, a license authorizing such person, partnership,association or corporation to carry on the business of a military propertysales facility. The license shall designate the building in which the person,partnership, association or corporation shall carry on the business, and noperson, partnership, association or corporation shall carry on the business ofa military property sales facility without being duly licensed, nor in anyother building than the one designated in the license.
(b) Any person or theprincipal officers of any association or corporation or all the partners of anypartnership applying for a license shall furnish the governing body thefollowing information:
(1) Full name, and anyother names used by the applicant during the preceding five years, or in thecase of a partnership, association or corporation, the applicant shall list anypartnership, association, or corporate names used during the preceding fiveyears;
(2) Current address, andall addresses used by the applicant during the preceding five years;
(3) Physicaldescription;
(4) Age;
(5) Driver's licensenumber, if any, and state of issuance;
(6) Recent colorphotograph;
(7) Record of felonyconvictions; and
(8) Record of otherconvictions during the preceding five years.
(c) Every person,partnership, association or corporation so licensed to carry on the business ofa military property sales facility shall, at the time of receiving a license,file with the governing body of the city, town, or county granting the license,a bond payable to the city, town, or county in the sum of one thousand dollars($1,000), to be executed by the person licensed and by two responsiblesureties, or a surety company licensed to do business in the State of NorthCarolina, to be approved of by the governing body. The bond shall be for thefaithful performance of the requirements and obligations pertaining to thebusiness licensed. The governing body, may revoke the license and sue forforfeiture of the bond upon a breach of the licensee's duties under the bond.Any person who may obtain a judgment against a military property sales facilityand upon which judgment execution is returned unsatisfied may maintain anaction in his own name upon the bond of the military property sales facility,in any court having jurisdiction of the amount demanded to satisfy thejudgment. (1985, c. 522, s. 1.)