Article 4.
Leaves of Absence.
§ 128‑39. Leaves ofabsence for State officials for protracted illness or other reason.
Any elective or appointiveState official may obtain leave of absence from the official's duties forprotracted illness or other reason satisfactory to the Governor, for suchperiod as the Governor may designate. The leave shall be obtained only uponapplication by the official and with the consent of the Governor. The officialshall receive no salary during the period of leave unless the leave of absenceis granted by reason of protracted illness, in which event the granting of aleave of absence shall not deprive the official of the benefits of cumulativesick leave to which the official may be entitled under rules and regulationsadopted pursuant to G.S. 143‑37 or to which he may otherwise be entitledby law. The period of leave may be extended upon application to and with theapproval of the Governor if the reason for the original leave still exists, andit may be shortened if the reason shall unexpectedly terminate: Provided, thatno leave or extension thereof shall operate to extend the term of office of anyofficial beyond the period for which the official was elected or appointed. If,by reason of the length of the period of absence or the nature of the duties ofthe official, the Governor deems it necessary, the Governor may appoint anycitizen of the State, without regard to residence or district, as a temporaryreplacement for the period of the official's leave of absence. This appointeeshall have all the authority, duties, perquisites, and emoluments of theofficial temporarily replaced. The appointee shall possess all thequalifications required by law for holding the office for which the temporaryreplacement official is appointed. (1941, c. 121, s. 1; 2007‑432, s. 1.)