Part 3A.Council on Sickle Cell Syndrome.
§ 130A‑131. Council onSickle Cell Syndrome; appointment; expenses; terms.
A Council on Sickle CellSyndrome is created. The Council shall consist of a chairperson and 14 othermembers appointed by the Governor. Members shall serve without compensationexcept for reimbursement for travel and expenses in pursuit of Councilbusiness. Except as provided in this subsection, Council members shall serve aterm of three years. To achieve a staggered term structure, five members shallbe appointed for a term of one year, five members for a term of two years, andfive members for a term of three years. (1973, c. 570, s. 1; 1987, c.822, s. 3; 1989, c. 727, s. 179.)