§ 130A‑131.15A. Department to establish program.
(a) The Departmentshall establish and administer Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives. TheDepartment shall establish initiatives for primary prevention, secondaryprevention, and special projects.
(b) The Commissionshall adopt rules necessary to implement this section. The rules shall includea maximum annual funding level for initiatives and a requirement for localmatch.
(c) Initiatives shallbe funded in accordance with selection criteria established by the Commission.In funding initiatives, the Department shall target counties with the highestteen pregnancy rates, increasingly higher rates, high rates within demographicsubgroups, or greatest need for parenting programs. Grants shall be awarded onan annual basis.
(d) Initiatives shallbe funded on a four‑year funding cycle. The Department may end fundingprior to the end of the four‑year period if programmatic requirements andperformance standards are not met. At the end of four years of funding, a localinitiative shall be eligible to reapply for funding.
(e) Administrativecosts in implementing this section shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of thetotal funds administered pursuant to this section.
(f) Programs are notrequired to provide a cash match for these funds; however, the Department mayrequire an in‑kind match.
(g) The Departmentshall periodically evaluate the effectiveness of teen pregnancy preventionprograms. (2001‑424,s. 21.89(c).)