§ 130A‑131.8. Laboratory reports.
(a) All laboratoriesdoing business in this State shall report to the Department all environmentallead test results and blood lead test results for children less than six yearsof age and for individuals whose ages are unknown at the time of testing.Reports shall be made by electronic submission within five working days aftertest completion.
(b) Reports of bloodlead test results shall contain all of the following:
(1) The child's fullname, date of birth, sex, race, ethnicity, address, and Medicaid number, ifany.
(2) The name, address,and telephone number of the requesting health care provider.
(3) The name, address,and telephone number of the testing laboratory.
(4) The laboratoryresults, whether the specimen type is venous or capillary; the laboratorysample number, and the dates the sample was collected and analyzed.
(c) Reports ofenvironmental lead test results shall contain all of the following:
(1) The address wherethe samples were collected.
(2) Sample type, such asdust, paint, soil, or water.
(3) Surface type, suchas floor, window sill, or window trough.
(4) Collection location.
(5) The name, address,and telephone number of the testing laboratory.
(6) The laboratoryresults, unit of measurement, the laboratory sample number, and the dates thesample was collected and analyzed. (1997‑443, s. 15.30(b); 2003‑150, s. 2;2009‑484, s. 1.)