§ 130A‑131.9. Examination and testing.
When the Department has areasonable suspicion that a child less than six years of age has an elevatedblood lead level or a confirmed lead poisoning, the Department may require thatchild to be examined and tested within 30 days. The Department shall requirefrom the owner, managing agent, or tenant of the residential housing unit orchild‑occupied facility information on each child who resides in,regularly visits, or attends, or, who has within the past six months, residedin, regularly visited, or attended the unit or facility. The informationrequired shall include each child's name and date of birth, the names andaddresses of each child's parents, legal guardian, or full‑timecustodian. The owner, managing agent, or tenant shall submit the requiredinformation within 10 days of receipt of the request from the Department. (1997‑443, s. 15.30(b);2003‑150, s. 3.)