§130A‑135. Physicians to report.
A physician licensed topractice medicine who has reason to suspect that a person about whom thephysician has been consulted professionally has a communicable disease orcommunicable condition declared by the Commission to be reported, shall reportinformation required by the Commission to the local health director of thecounty or district in which the physician is consulted. The Commission shalldeclare confirmed HIV infection to be a reportable communicable condition. (1893,c. 214, s. 11; Rev., s. 3448; 1917, c. 263, s. 7; C.S., s. 7151; 1921, c. 223,s. 1; 1957, c. 1357, s. 1; 1973, c. 476, s. 128; 1983, c. 891, s. 2; 1987, c.782, s. 5; 1989, c. 698, s. 3.)