Part 6. Rabies.
§ 130A‑184. Definitions.
The following definitionsapply in this Part:
(1) Animal ControlOfficer. A city or county employee whose responsibility includes animalcontrol. The term "Animal Control Officer" also includes agents of aprivate organization that is operating an animal shelter under contract with acity or county whenever those agents are performing animal control functions atthe shelter.
(2) Cat. A domestic feline of the genus and species Felis catus.
(3) Certified rabies vaccinator. A person appointed and certified to administer rabies vaccine to animals inaccordance with this Part.
(4) Dog. A domestic canine of the genus, species, and subspecies Canis lupus familiaris.
(4a) Feral. An animalthat is not socialized.
(4b) Ferret. A domesticmammal of the genus, species, and subspecies Mustela putorius furo.
(5) Rabies vaccine. Ananimal rabies vaccine licensed by the United States Department of Agricultureand approved for use in this State by the Commission.
(6) State Public HeathVeterinarian. A person appointed by the Secretary to direct the State publichealth veterinary program.
(6a) Stray. An animalthat meets both of the following conditions:
a. Is beyond the limitsof confinement or lost.
b. Is not wearing anytags, microchips, tattoos, or other methods of identification.
(7) Vaccination. Theadministration of rabies vaccine by a person authorized to administer it underG.S. 130A‑185. (1935, c. 122, s. 1; 1949, c. 645, s. 1; 1953, c. 876, s. 1; 1957, c.1357, s. 3; 1973, c. 476, s. 128; 1983, c. 891, s. 2; 2009‑304, s. 2;2009‑327, s. 1.)