§ 130A‑189. Rabiesvaccination certificates.
A person who administers arabies vaccine shall complete a rabies vaccination certificate. The Commissionshall adopt rules specifying the information that must be included on thecertificate. An original rabies vaccination certificate shall be given to theowner of the animal that receives the rabies vaccine. A copy of the rabiesvaccination certificate shall be retained by the licensed veterinarian or thecertified rabies vaccinator. A copy shall also be given to the county agencyresponsible for animal control, provided the information given to the countyagency shall not be used for commercial purposes. (1935, c. 122, s. 6; 1941,c. 259, s. 5; 1959, c. 352; 1983, c. 891, s. 2; 1993, c. 245, s. 1; 2009‑327,s. 5.)