§ 130A‑233.1. Monitoring program for State coastal fishing and recreation waters; developmentand implementation of program.
(a) For the protectionof the public health of swimmers and others who use the State's coastal fishingwaters for recreational activities, the Department shall develop and implementa program to monitor the State's coastal fishing waters for contaminants. Themonitoring program shall cover all coastal fishing waters up to the point wherethose waters are classified as inland fishing waters.
(b) The Commissionshall adopt rules to provide for a water quality monitoring program for thecoastal recreation waters of the State and to allow the Department to implementthe federal Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act of 2000(Pub. L. No. 106‑284; 114 Stat. 870, 875; 33 U.S.C. §§ 1313, 1362). Therules shall address, but are not limited to, definitions, surveys, sampling,action standards, and posting of information on the water quality of coastalrecreation waters. (1997‑443,s. 15.17(a); 2003‑149, s. 1.)