§130A‑254. Application for permit.
(a) Application for apermit for a mass gathering shall be made to the Secretary on a form and in amanner prescribed by the Secretary. The application shall be filed with theSecretary at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the mass gathering. Afee as prescribed by the Secretary, not to exceed one hundred dollars($100.00), shall accompany the application.
(b) The applicationshall contain the following information: identification of the applicant;identification of any other person or persons responsible for organizing,sponsoring or holding the mass gathering; the location of the proposed massgathering; the estimated maximum number of persons reasonably expected to be inattendance at any time; the date or dates and the hours during which the massgathering is to be conducted; and a statement as to the total time periodinvolved.
(c) The applicationshall be accompanied by an outline map of the area to be used, to approximatescale, showing the location of all proposed and existing privies or toilets;lavatory and bathing facilities; all water supply sources including lakes,ponds, streams, wells and storage tanks; all areas of assemblage; all campingareas; all food service areas; all garbage and refuse storage and disposalareas; all entrances and exits to public highways; and emergency ingress andegress roads.
(d) The applicationshall be accompanied by additional plans, reports and information required bythe Secretary as necessary to carry out the provisions of this Part.
(e) A charge shall belevied by the Secretary to cover the cost of additional services, includingpolice, fire and medical services, provided by the State or units of localgovernment on account of the mass gathering. The Secretary shall reimburse theState or the units of local government for the additional services upon receiptof payment. (1971, c. 712, s. 1; 1973, c. 476, s. 128; 1983, c.891, s. 2.)