§130A‑26A. Violations of Article 4.
(a) A person whocommits any of the following acts shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor:
(1) Willfully andknowingly makes any false statement in a certificate, record, or reportrequired by Article 4 of this Chapter;
(2) Removes or permitsthe removal of a dead body of a human being without authorization provided inArticle 4 of this Chapter;
(3) Refuses or fails tofurnish correctly any information in the person's possession or furnishes falseinformation affecting a certificate or record required by Article 4 of thisChapter;
(4) Fails, neglects, orrefuses to perform any act or duty required by Article 4 of this Chapter or bythe instructions of the State Registrar prepared under authority of theArticle.
(5) Charges a fee forperforming any act or duty required by Article 4 of this Chapter or by theState Registrar pursuant to Article 4 of this Chapter, other than feesspecifically authorized by law.
(b) A person whocommits any of the following acts shall be guilty of a Class I felony:
(1) Willfully andknowingly makes any false statement in an application for a certified copy of avital record, or who willfully and knowingly supplies false informationintending that the information be used in the obtaining of any copy of a vitalrecord;
(2) Without lawfulauthority and with the intent to deceive makes, counterfeits, alters, amends,or mutilates a certificate, record, or report required by Article 4 of thisChapter or a certified copy of the certificate, record, or report;
(3) Willfully andknowingly obtains, possesses, sells, furnishes, uses, or attempts to use forany purpose of deception, a certificate, record, or report required by Article4 of this Chapter or a certified copy of the certificate, record, or report,which is counterfeited, altered, amended, or mutilated, or which is false inwhole or in part or which relates to the birth of another person, whetherliving or deceased;
(4) When employed by theVital Records Section of the Department or designated under Article 4 of thisChapter, willfully and knowingly furnishes or processes a certificate of birth,death, marriage, or divorce, or certified copy of a certificate of birth,death, marriage, or divorce with the knowledge or intention that it be used forthe purposes of deception;
(5) Without lawfulauthority possesses a certificate, record, or report required by Article 4 ofthis Chapter or a certified copy of the certificate, record, or report knowingthat it was stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained;
(6) Willfully alters,except as provided by G.S. 130A‑118, or falsifies a certificate or recordrequired by Article 4 of this Chapter; or willfully alters, falsifies, orchanges a photocopy, certified copy, extract copy, or any document containinginformation obtained from an original or copy of a certificate or recordrequired by Article 4 of this Chapter; or willfully makes, creates, or uses anyaltered, falsified or changed record, reproduction, copy or document for thepurpose of attempting to prove or establish for any purpose whatsoever anymatter purported to be shown on it;
(7) Without lawfulauthority, manufactures or possesses the seal of: (i) the Vital RecordsSection, (ii) a county register of deeds, or (iii) a county health department,or without lawful authority, manufactures or possesses a reproduction or acounterfeit copy of the seal;
(8) Without lawfulauthority prepares or issues any certificate which purports to be an officialcertified copy of a vital record;
(9) Without lawfulauthority, manufactures or possesses Vital Records Section, county register ofdeeds, or county health department vital records forms or safety paper used tocertify births, deaths, marriages, and divorces, or reproductions orcounterfeit copies of the forms or safety paper; or
(10) Willfully andknowingly furnishes a certificate of birth or certified copy of a record ofbirth with the intention that it be used by an unauthorized person or for anunauthorized purpose. (1995, c. 311, s. 2.)