§ 130A‑295.9. Solidwaste disposal tax; use of proceeds.
It is the intent that theproceeds of the solid waste disposal tax imposed by Article 5G of Chapter 105of the General Statutes shall be used only for the following purposes:
(1) Funds credited pursuantto G.S. 105‑187.63(1) to the Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund shallbe used by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to fund theassessment and remediation of pre‑1983 landfills, except up to sevenpercent (7%) of the funds credited under this subdivision may be used to fundadministrative expenses related to the assessment and remediation of inactivehazardous waste sites.
(2) Funds creditedpursuant to G.S. 105‑187.63(3) to the Solid Waste Management Trust Fundshall be used by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to fundgrants to State agencies and units of local government to initiate or enhancelocal recycling programs and to provide for the management of difficult tomanage solid waste, including abandoned mobile homes and household hazardouswaste. Up to seven percent (7%) of the funds credited under this subdivisionmay be used by the Department to administer this Part. (2007‑550, s. 14(b);2009‑451, s. 13.3E.)