§ 130A‑309.11. Compoststandards and applications.
(a) In order to protectthe State's land and water resources, compost produced, utilized, or disposedof by the composting process at solid waste management facilities in the Statemust meet criteria established by the Department.
(b) The Commissionshall adopt rules to establish standards for the production of compost. Rulesshall be adopted not later than 24 months after the initiation of rule making.Such rules shall include:
(1) Requirementsnecessary to produce hygienically safe compost products for varyingapplications.
(2) A classificationscheme for compost based on:
a. The types of wastecomposted, including at least one type containing only yard trash;
b. The maturity of thecompost, including at least three degrees of decomposition for fresh, semi‑mature,and mature; and
c. The levels oforganic and inorganic constituents in the compost.
(c) The compostclassification scheme shall address:
(1) Methods formeasurement of the compost maturity.
(2) Particle sizes.
(3) Moisture content.
(4) Average levels oforganic and inorganic constituents, including heavy metals, for such classes ofcompost as the Department establishes, and the analytical methods to determinethose levels.
(d) The Commission shalladopt rules to prescribe the allowable uses and application rates of compost. Rules shall be adopted not later than 24 months after the initiation of rulemaking. Such rules shall be based on the following criteria:
(1) The total quantityof organic and inorganic constituents, including heavy metals, allowed to beapplied through the addition of compost to the soil per acre per year.
(2) The allowable usesof compost based on maturity and type of compost.
(e) If compost isproduced which does not meet the criteria prescribed by the Department foragricultural and other use, the compost must be reprocessed or disposed of in amanner approved by the Department, unless a different application isspecifically permitted by the Department. (1989, c. 784, s. 2; 1995(Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 594, s. 18.)