§ 130A‑309.113. (Effective July 1, 2009, and expiring October 1, 2023) Management of abandonedmanufactured homes.
(a) Plan. Each countyshall consider whether to implement a program for the management of abandonedmanufactured homes. If, after consideration, the county decides not toimplement a program, the county must state in the comprehensive solid wastemanagement plan that it is required to develop under G.S. 130A‑309.09A(b)that the county considered whether to implement a program for the management ofabandoned manufactured homes and decided not to do so. A county may, at anytime, reconsider its decision not to implement a program for the management ofabandoned manufactured homes. If the county decides to implement a program, thecounty shall develop a written plan for the management of abandonedmanufactured homes and include the plan as a component of the comprehensivesolid waste management plan it is required to develop under G.S. 130A‑309.09A(b).At a minimum, the plan shall include:
(1) A method by whichthe county proposes to identify abandoned manufactured homes in the county,including, without limitation, a process by which manufactured home owners orother responsible parties may request designation of their home as an abandonedmanufactured home.
(2) A plan for thedeconstruction of these abandoned manufactured homes.
(3) A plan for theremoval of the deconstructed components, including mercury switches fromthermostats, for reuse or recycling, as appropriate.
(4) A plan for theproper disposal of abandoned manufactured homes that are not deconstructedunder subdivision (2) of this subsection.
(b) Authority toContract. A county may contract with another unit of local government or aprivate entity in accordance with Article 15 of Chapter 153A of the GeneralStatutes to provide for the management of abandoned manufactured homes withinthe county and the implementation of its plan under subsection (a) of thissection.
(c) Fee Authority. Aunit of local government or a party that contracted with the county undersubsection (b) of this section may charge a disposal fee for the disposal ofany abandoned manufactured home at a landfill pursuant to this Part.
(d) An intact abandonedmanufactured home shall not be disposed of in a landfill. (2008‑136, s. 1.)