§130A‑309.15. Prohibited acts regarding used oil.
(a) No person mayknowingly:
(1) Collect, transport,store, recycle, use, or dispose of used oil in any manner which endangers thepublic health or welfare.
(2) Discharge used oilinto sewers, drainage systems, septic tanks, surface waters, groundwaters,watercourses, or marine waters.
(3) Dispose of used oilin landfills in the State unless such disposal has been approved by theDepartment.
(4) Mix used oil withsolid waste that is to be disposed of in landfills.
(5) Mix used oil withhazardous substances that make it unsuitable for recycling or beneficial use.
(b) A person whoviolates subsection (a) of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor andupon conviction shall be punished as provided by G.S. 130A‑25(a) and G.S.14‑3.
(c) A person whodisposes of used oil in a landfill where such used oil has been mixed withother solid waste which may be lawfully disposed of in such landfill, and whois without knowledge that such solid waste has been mixed with used oil, is notguilty of a violation under this section.
(d) Used oil shall notbe used for road oiling, dust control, weed abatement, or other similarpurposes that have the potential to release used oil into the environment. (1989,c. 784, s. 2.)