§130A‑309.17. Registration of persons transporting, collecting, orrecycling used oil; fees; reports and records.
(a) The followingpersons shall register annually with the Department pursuant to rules of theDepartment on forms prescribed by it:
(1) Any person whotransports over public highways more than 500 gallons of used oil per week.
(2) Any person whomaintains a collection facility that receives more than 6,000 gallons of usedoil annually. For purposes of registration, the amount received does notinclude used oil delivered to collection centers by individuals that changetheir own personal motor oil.
(3) Any facility thatrecycles more than 10,000 gallons of used oil annually.
(b) An electric utilitywhich generates during its operation used oil that is then reclaimed, recycled,or rerefined by the electric utility for use in its operations is not requiredto register or report pursuant to this section.
(c) An on‑siteburner which only burns a specification used oil generated by the burner is notrequired to register or report pursuant to this section, provided that theburning is done in compliance with any air permits issued by the Department.
(d) The Department mayprescribe a fee for the registration required by this section in an amountwhich is sufficient to cover the cost of processing applications but which doesnot exceed twenty‑five dollars ($25.00).
(e) The Departmentshall require each registered person to submit, no later than 1 July of eachyear, a report which specifies the type and quantity of used oil transported,collected, and recycled during the preceding calendar year.
(f) Each registeredperson who transports or recycles used oil shall maintain records whichidentify:
(1) The source of thematerials transported or recycled;
(2) The quantity ofmaterials received;
(3) The date of receipt;and
(4) The destination orend use of the materials.
(g) The Departmentshall perform technical studies to sample used oil at facilities ofrepresentative used oil transporters and at representative recycling facilitiesto determine the incidence of contamination of used oil with hazardous, toxic,or other harmful substances.
(h) Any person whofails to register with the Department as required by this section shall beguilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided byG.S. 130A‑25(a) and G.S. 14‑3.
(i) The proceeds fromthe registration fees imposed by this section shall be deposited into the SolidWaste Management Trust Fund. (1989, c. 784, s. 2.)