§130A‑309.28. University research.
Research, training, andservice activities related to solid and hazardous waste management conducted byThe University of North Carolina shall be coordinated by the Board of Governorsof The University of North Carolina through the Office of the President. Proposals for research contracts and grants; public service assignments; andresponses to requests for information and technical assistance by the State andunits of local government, business, and industry shall be addressed by aformal process involving an advisory board of university personnel appointed bythe President and chaired and directed by an individual appointed by thePresident. The Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina shallconsult with the Department in developing the research programs and provide theDepartment with a copy of the proposed research program for review and commentbefore the research is undertaken. Research contracts shall be awarded toindependent nonprofit colleges and universities within the State which areaccredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools on the samebasis as those research contracts awarded to The University of North Carolina. Research activities shall include the following areas:
(1) Methods andprocesses for recycling solid and hazardous waste;
(2) Methods of treatmentfor detoxifying hazardous waste; and
(3) Technologies fordisposing of solid and hazardous waste. (1989, c. 784, s. 2.)