§130A‑309.52. Findings; purpose.
(a) The GeneralAssembly finds that:
(1) Scrap tire disposalposes a unique and troublesome solid waste management problem.
(2) Scrap tires are ausable resource that may be recycled for energy value.
(3) Uncontrolled disposalof scrap tires may create a public health and safety problem because tire pilesact as breeding sites for mosquitoes and other disease‑transmittingvectors, pose substantial fire hazards, and present a difficult disposalproblem for landfills.
(4) A significant numberof scrap tires are illegally dumped in North Carolina.
(5) It is in the State'sbest interest to encourage efforts to recycle or recover resources from scraptires.
(6) It is desirable toallow units of local government to control tire disposal for themselves and toencourage multicounty, regional approaches to scrap tire disposal andcollection.
(7) It is desirable toencourage reduction in the volume of scrap tires being disposed of at publicsanitary landfills.
(b) The purpose of thisPart is to provide statewide guidelines and structure for the environmentallysafe disposal of scrap tires to be administered through units of localgovernment. (1989, c. 784, s. 3.)