§ 130A‑309.83. WhiteGoods Management Account.
(a) The White GoodsManagement Account is established within the Department. The Account consistsof revenue credited to the Account from the proceeds of the white goodsdisposal tax imposed by Article 5C of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes.
(b) The Departmentshall use revenue in the Account to make grants to units of local government toassist them in managing discarded white goods. To administer the grants, theDepartment shall establish procedures for applying for a grant and the criteriafor selecting among grant applicants. The criteria shall include the financialability of a unit to manage white goods, the severity of a unit's white goodsmanagement problem, and the effort made by a unit to manage white goods withinthe resources available to it.
(c) A unit of localgovernment is not eligible for a grant unless its costs of managing white goodsfor a six‑month period preceding the date the unit files an applicationfor a grant exceeded the amount the unit received during that period from theproceeds of the white goods disposal tax under G.S. 105‑187.24. TheDepartment shall determine the six‑month period to be used in determiningwho is eligible for a grant. A grant to a unit may not exceed the unit'sunreimbursed cost for the six‑month period.
(d) If a unit of localgovernment anticipates that its costs of managing white goods during a six‑monthperiod will exceed the amount the unit will receive during that period becausethe unit will make a capital expenditure for the management of white goods orbecause the unit will incur other costs resulting from improvements to thatunit's white goods management program, the unit may request that the Departmentmake an advance determination that the costs are eligible to be paid by a grantfrom the White Goods Management Account and that there will be sufficient fundsavailable in the Account to cover those costs. If the Department determinesthat the costs are eligible for reimbursement and that funds will be available,the Department shall reserve funds for that unit of local government in theamount necessary to reimburse allowable costs. The Department shall notify theunit of its determination and fund availability within 60 days of the requestfrom the unit of local government. This subsection applies only to capitalexpenditures for the management of white goods and to costs resulting fromimprovements to a unit's white goods management program. (1993, c. 471, s. 4; 1995(Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 594, s. 24; 1998‑24, s. 7; 2000‑109, s.9(a); 2001‑265, s. 5.)