§ 130A‑310.57. (Effective until December 31, 2017) Reports.
The Department shall submit anannual report on the mercury switch removal program under this Part to theEnvironmental Review Commission and the Senate and House of RepresentativesAppropriations Subcommittees on Natural and Economic Resources on or before 1October of each year. The report shall include, at a minimum, all of thefollowing:
(1) A detaileddescription of the mercury recovery performance ratio achieved by the mercuryswitch removal program.
(1a) A detaileddescription of the mercury switch collection system developed and implementedby vehicle manufacturers in accordance with the NVMSRP.
(2) In the event that amercury recovery performance ratio of at least 0.90 of the national mercuryrecovery performance ratio as reported by the NVMSRP is not achieved, adescription of additional or alternative actions that may be implemented toimprove the mercury switch removal program.
(3) The number ofmercury switches collected and a description of how the mercury switches weremanaged.
(4) A statement thatdetails the costs required to implement the mercury switch removal programincluding a summary of receipts and disbursements from the Mercury SwitchRemoval Account. (2005‑384,s. 1; 2006‑255, s. 5; 2007‑142, s. 7.)
§ 130A‑310.57. (Effective December 31, 2017) Report on plan.
The Department shall publishan annual report on the mercury minimization plan on or before November 1. Thereport shall include, at a minimum, all of the following:
(1) A detaileddescription and documentation of the capture rate achieved.
(2) In the event that acapture rate of at least ninety percent (90%) is not achieved, a description ofadditional or alternative actions that may be implemented to improve the mercuryminimization plan and its implementation.
(3) The number ofmercury switches collected, the number of end‑of‑life vehiclescontaining mercury switches, the number of end‑of‑life vehiclesprocessed for recycling, and a description of how the mercury switches weremanaged.
(4) A statement thatdetails the costs required to implement the mercury minimization plan. (2005‑384, s. 1; 2006‑255,s. 5; 2007‑142, ss. 7, 9.)