§130A‑320. Sanitation of watersheds; rules; inspections.
(a) The Commissionshall adopt rules governing the sanitation of watersheds from which publicdrinking water supplies are obtained. In adopting these rules the Commission isauthorized to consider the different classes of watersheds, taking into accountgeneral topography, nature of watershed development, density of population andneed for frequency of sampling of raw water. The rules shall govern the keepingof livestock, operation of recreational areas, maintenance of residences andplaces of business, disposal of sewage, establishment of cemeteries or buryinggrounds, and any other factors which would endanger the public water supply.
(b) Any personoperating a public water system and furnishing water from unfiltered surfacesupplies shall inspect the watershed area at least quarterly, and more oftenwhen the Department determines that more frequent inspections are necessary. (1979,c. 788, s. 1; 1983, c. 891, s. 2.)