§ 130A‑328. Publicwater system operating permit and permit fee.
(a) No person shalloperate a community or non transient non‑community water system who hasnot been issued an operating permit by the Department. A community or nontransient non‑community water system operating permit shall be valid fromJanuary 1 through December 31 of each year unless suspended or revoked by theDepartment for cause. The Commission shall adopt rules concerning permitissuance and renewal and permit suspension and revocation. The annual fees insubsection (b) shall be prorated on a monthly basis for permits obtained afterJanuary 1 of each year.
(b) The following feesare imposed for the issuance or renewal of a permit to operate a community ornon transient non‑community water system; the fees are based on thenumber of persons served by the system:
NonCommunity Water Systems: Fee
Nontransient non‑community $150
Community Water Systems:
Number of Persons Served
50 orfewer $255
Morethan 50 but no more than 100 $270
Morethan 100 but no more than 200 $330
Morethan 200 but no more than 300 $350
Morethan 300 but no more than 400 $385
Morethan 400 but no more than 500 $420
Morethan 500 but no more than 750 $780
Morethan 750 but no more than 1000 $810
Morethan 1000 but no more than 2000 $840
Morethan 2000 but no more than 3000 $870
Morethan 3000 but no more than 4000 $1350
Morethan 4000 but no more than 5000 $1460
Morethan 5000 but no more than 7500 $1925
Morethan 7500 but no more than 10,000 $2065
More than10,000 but no more than 25,000 $2600
Morethan 25,000 but no more than 50,000 $2925
Morethan 50,000 but no more than 75,000 $4250
Morethan 75,000 but no more than 100,000 $4675
Morethan 100,000 but no more than 250,000 $5100
Morethan 250,000 but no more than 500,000 $5525
Morethan 500,000 $5950
(c) The following feesare imposed for the review of plans, specifications, and other informationsubmitted to the Department for approval of construction or alteration of apublic water system. The fees are based on the type of constructions oralteration proposed:
Distributionsystem: Fee
Constructionof water lines, less than 5000 linear feet $150
Constructionof water lines, 5000 linear feet or more $200
Otherconstruction or alteration to a distribution system $75
Groundwater system:
Constructionof a new ground water system or adding a new well $200
Alterationto an existing ground water system $100
SurfaceWater system:
Constructionof a new surface water treatment facility $250
Alterationto an existing surface water treatment facility $150
WaterSystem Management Plan review $75
Miscellaneouschanges or maintenance not covered above $50
(d) The Department maycharge an administrative fee of up to one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) forfailure to pay the permit fee by January 31 of each year.
(e) All fees collectedunder this section shall be applied to the costs of administering and enforcingthis Article. (1991,c. 576, s. 1; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 811, s. 6; c. 1039, s. 11; 2006‑66,s. 11.7(a).)