§130A‑339. Limitation on electrical service.
No person shall allowpermanent electrical service to a residence, place of business or place ofpublic assembly upon construction, location or relocation until the officialelectrical inspector with jurisdiction as provided in G.S. 143‑143.2certifies to the electrical supplier that the required improvement permitauthorization for wastewater system construction and an operation permit orauthorization under G.S. 130A‑337(c) has been obtained. Temporary electricalservice necessary for constructing a residence, place of business or place ofpublic assembly can be provided upon compliance with G.S. 130A‑338. (1973,c. 452, s. 8; 1981, c. 949, s. 3; 1983, c. 891, s. 2; 1995, c. 285, s. 1.)