Part 2. Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Health.
§ 130A‑33.40. Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Health Creation; powers; duties.
There is hereby created theGovernor's Council on Physical Fitness and Health in the Department. The Councilshall have the following functions and duties:
(1) To promote interestin the area of physical fitness; to consider the need for new State programs inthe field of physical fitness; to enlist the active support of individualcitizens, professional and civic groups, amateur and professional athletes,voluntary organizations, State and local government agencies, private industryand business, and community recreation programs in efforts to improve thephysical fitness and the health of the citizens of North Carolina;
(2) To examine currentprograms of physical fitness available to the people of North Carolina, and tomake recommendations to the Governor for coordination of programs to preventduplication of such services; to support programs of physical fitness in thepublic school systems; to develop cooperative programs with medical, dental,and other groups; to maintain a liaison with government, private and otheragencies concerning physical fitness programs; to stimulate research in thearea of physical fitness; to sponsor physical fitness workshops, clinics,conferences, and other related activities pertaining to physical fitnessthroughout the State;
(3) To serve as anagency for recognizing outstanding developments, contributions, andachievements in physical fitness in North Carolina;
(3a) To serve as the NorthCarolina sanctioning body for the State Games and for other competitiveathletic events for which sanctioning by the State is required; and
(4) To make an annualreport to the Governor and to the Secretary, including suggestions andrecommendations for the furtherance of the physical fitness of the people ofNorth Carolina. (1979, c. 634; 1989, c. 727, ss. 186, 187; 1991, c.96, s. 1; 1997‑443, s. 11A.71.)