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§ 130A-33.41. The Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Health - Members; selection; quorum; compensation.

§ 130A‑33.41.  TheGovernor's Council on Physical Fitness and Health – Members; selection; quorum;compensation.

The Governor's Council onPhysical Fitness in the Department shall consist of 10 members, including achair.

(1)        The composition ofthe Council shall be as follows: one member of the Senate appointed by thePresident Pro Tempore of the Senate, and one member of the House ofRepresentatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, andeight persons from the health care professions, the fields of business andindustry, physical education, recreation, sports and the general public. Theeight nonlegislative members of the Council shall be appointed by the Governorto serve at the Governor's pleasure.

(2)        The eight initialnonlegislative members of the Council shall be appointed as follows: two for aterm of one year, two for a term of two years, two for a term of three years,two for a term of four years. At the end of the respective terms of office ofthese initial members, all succeeding appointments of nonlegislative membersshall be for terms of four years; nonlegislative members shall serve no morethan two consecutive four‑year terms; all unexpired terms due toresignation, death, disability, removal or refusal to serve shall be filled bya qualified person appointed by the Governor for the balance of the unexpiredterm.

(3)        Legislative membersof the Council shall serve two‑year terms beginning and ending on July 1of odd‑numbered years, and shall serve no more than two consecutiveterms.

(4)        Members of theGovernor's Council shall receive per diem and necessary travel and subsistenceexpenses in accordance with G.S. 138‑5 or 138‑6, or travel andsubsistence expenses under G.S. 120‑3.1, as appropriate.

(5)        The Council shallmeet no more than quarterly.

(6)        A majority of theGovernor's Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. (1979,c. 634; 1989, c. 727, ss. 186, 188; 1991, c. 739, s. 20; 1997‑443, s.11A.72.)

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