§130A‑33.51. Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control;responsibilities.
(a) The AdvisoryCommittee on Cancer Coordination and Control has the followingresponsibilities:
(1) To recommend to theSecretary a plan for the statewide implementation of an interagencycomprehensive coordinated cancer control program;
(2) To identify andexamine the limitations and problems associated with existing laws,regulations, programs, and services related to cancer control;
(3) To examine thefinancing and access to cancer control services for North Carolina's citizens,and advise the Secretary on a coordinated and efficient use of resources;
(4) To identify andreview health promotion and disease prevention strategies relating to theleading causes of cancer mortality and morbidity;
(5) To recommendstandards for:
a. Oversight anddevelopment of cancer control services;
b. Development andmaintenance of interagency training and technical assistance in the provisionof cancer control services;
c. Program monitoringand data collection;
d. Statewide evaluationof locally based cancer control programs;
e. Coordination offunding sources for cancer control programs; and
f. Procedures forawarding grants to local agencies providing cancer control services.
(b) The Committee shallsubmit a written report not later than May 1, 1994, and not later than October1 of each subsequent year, to the Governor and to the Joint LegislativeCommission on Governmental Operations. The report shall address the progressin implementation of a cancer control program. The report shall include anaccounting of funds expended and anticipated funding needs for fullimplementation of recommended programs. (1993, c. 321, s. 288.)