§ 130A‑347. Mosquitocontrol funds.
Funds received by theDepartment for mosquito control may be used to aid mosquito control districtsand other units of local government engaged in mosquito control. The Commissionshall adopt rules concerning the allocation of the funds. The rules shallprovide for priority funding to those local activities that involve theabatement of breeding grounds. The rules may include provisions to withholdpart of the mosquito control funds for the suppression of potential or documentedmosquito‑borne disease outbreaks. State aid for local physical controlmethods such as, but not limited to, cleaning, reopening or construction ofditches, restoration of streams and construction of impoundments shall notexceed the amount of funds and the value of services and facilities providedlocally except State aid may be provided up to twice the locally providedamount for physical control methods in salt marsh areas. State aid for localchemical and biological control methods such as, but not limited to, control ofimmature and adult mosquitoes by use of chemicals, bacteria, fungi and mosquitofish shall not exceed the amount of funds and the value of services andfacilities provided locally. State aid shall not be granted with respect to eachindividual project until the Department finds and certifies in writing for eachproject that: (i) the required local share is available; (ii) there is adocumented mosquito problem which requires abatement; (iii) a work plandescribing the method and procedures to be used for abatement is appropriate;and (iv) the rules of the Commission have been met. (1957, c. 832, s. 4; 1973, c.476, s. 128; 1983, c. 891, s. 2; 1995, c. 324, s. 26.7A.)