§ 130A‑34.1. Accreditation of local health departments; board established.
(a) The Local HealthDepartment Accreditation Board is established within the North CarolinaInstitute for Public Health. The Board shall be composed of 17 membersappointed by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services asfollows:
(1) Four shall be countycommissioners recommended by the North Carolina Association of CountyCommissioners, and four shall be members of a local board of health asrecommended by the Association of North Carolina Boards of Health.
(2) Three local healthdirectors.
(3) Two staff membersfrom the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services.
(4) One staff memberfrom the Division of Environmental Health, recommended by the Secretary ofEnvironment and Natural Resources.
(5) Three at large.
(b) Members shall servefour‑year terms except that initial terms shall be staggered such thatthree members are appointed for one year, four members are appointed for twoyears, four members are appointed for three years, and six members areappointed for four years. An appointment to fill a vacancy on the Board createdby the resignation, dismissal, ineligibility, death, or disability of anymember shall be made for the balance of the unexpired term. The Secretary mayremove any member for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance. The chair shallbe designated by the Secretary and shall designate the times and places atwhich the Board shall meet. The Board shall meet as often as necessary to carryout its duty to develop and review periodically accreditation standards, toengage in activities necessary to assign accreditation status to local healthdepartments, and to engage in other activities necessary to implement thissection.
(c) Members of theBoard who are not officers or employees of the State shall receivereimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses at the rates specified inG.S. 138‑5. Members of the Board who are officers or employees of theState shall receive reimbursement for travel and subsistence at the rate setout in G.S. 138‑6.
(d) The Board shallassign an accreditation status to each local health department that applies forinitial accreditation, reaccreditation, or relief from conditionalaccreditation. The Board shall assign the appropriate accreditation status, asfollows:
(1) Accredited, whichmeans that the local health department has satisfied the accreditationstandards adopted by the Board and applicable rules adopted by the Commission.
(2) Conditionallyaccredited, which means that the local health department has failed to meet oneor more accreditation standards and has therefore been granted short‑termaccreditation subject to conditions specified by the Board.
(3) Unaccredited, whichmeans that the local health department has continued to fail to meet one ormore accreditation standards after a period of conditional accreditation.
(e) The Commissionshall, after reviewing standards developed by and consulting with the Board,adopt rules establishing accreditation standards for local health departments.The accreditation standards shall include at least all of the following:
(1) An accreditationprocess that consists of the following components:
a. A self‑assessmentconducted by the local health department seeking accreditation.
b. A site visit by ateam of experts to clarify, verify, and amplify the information in the self‑assessment.
c. Final action by theBoard on the local health department's accreditation status.
(2) The local healthdepartment's capacity to provide the essential public health services, asfollows:
a. Monitoring healthstatus to identify community health problems.
b. Diagnosing andinvestigating health hazards in the community.
c. Informing,educating, and empowering people about health issues.
d. Mobilizing communitypartnerships to identify and solve health problems.
e. Developing policiesand plans that support individual and community health efforts.
f. Enforcing laws andregulations that protect health and ensure safety.
g. Linking people toneeded personal health care services and assuring the provision of health carewhen otherwise unavailable.
h. Assuring a competentpublic health workforce and personal health care workforce.
i. Evaluatingeffectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population‑basedhealth services.
j. Conductingresearch.
(3) The local healthdepartment's facilities and administration.
(4) The local healthdepartment's staff competencies and training procedures or programs.
(5) The local health department'sgovernance and fiscal management; and
(6) Informal proceduresfor reviewing Board decisions.
(f) All local healthdepartments shall obtain and maintain accreditation in accordance with thissection. The Board shall implement accreditation over a period of eight years,beginning January 1, 2006. The Board shall establish a schedule specifying wheneach local health department shall apply for initial accreditation and ensuringthat all local health departments have applied for initial accreditation byDecember 1, 2014.
(g) The Board shallassign the following accreditation status, as applicable:
(1) "Accredited"to a local health department that satisfies the accreditation standards. Theinitial period of accreditation shall expire four calendar years after initialaccreditation is granted.
(2) "Conditionallyaccredited" to a local health department that, in its initialaccreditation application, fails to satisfy the accreditation standards. Theperiod of conditional accreditation shall expire two calendar years afterconditional accreditation is granted. The Board shall provide to the localhealth department a written statement of the conditions that must be satisfiedin order for the local health department to be accredited. At any time during thetwo‑year period, the local health department may request that its statusbe reviewed and changed from "conditionally accredited" to"accredited." If the Board finds that the conditions have been met,the Board shall change the local health department's status to"accredited" with the accreditation period to expire four calendaryears after the conditional accreditation was initially granted. If the Boardfinds that the conditions have not been satisfied, the local health departmentshall continue under its grant of conditional accreditation. During theconditional accreditation period, the local health department may apply againfor accreditation in accordance with rules adopted by the Commission.
(h) Each accreditedlocal health department shall apply for reaccreditation in accordance withrules adopted by the Commission.
(i) When the Boardassigns the status "unaccredited" to a local health department, theBoard shall send written notification of that status to the local healthdepartment and to the Secretary.
(j) The Commissionshall adopt rules to implement this section. (2005‑369, s. 1(b).)