§130A‑395. Handling and transportation of bodies.
(a) It shall be theduty of the physician licensed to practice medicine under Chapter 90 attendingany person who dies and is known to have smallpox, plague, HIV infection,hepatitis B infection, rabies, or Jakob‑Creutzfeldt to provide writtennotification to all individuals handling the body of the proper precautions toprevent infection. This written notification shall be provided to funeralservice personnel at the time the body is removed from any hospital, nursinghome, or other health care facility. When the patient dies in a location otherthan a health care facility, the attending physician shall notify the funeralservice personnel verbally of the precautions required in subsections (b) and(c) as soon as the physician becomes aware of the death.
(b) The body of aperson who died from smallpox or plague shall not be embalmed. The body shallbe enclosed in a strong, tightly sealed outer case which will prevent leakageor escape of odors as soon as possible after death and before the body isremoved from the hospital room, home, building, or other premises where thedeath occurred. This case shall not be reopened except with the consent of thelocal health director.
(c) Persons handlingbodies of persons who died and were known to have HIV infection, hepatitis Binfection, Jakob‑Creutzfeldt, or rabies shall be provided writtennotification to observe blood and body fluid precautions. (1989,c. 698, s. 4.)