Part 4.Human Tissue Donation Program.
§ 130A‑413. Coordinatedhuman tissue donation program; legislative findings and purpose; programestablished.
(a) The GeneralAssembly finds that there is an increasing need for human tissues fortransplantation purposes; that there is a continuing need for human tissues forthe purposes of medical education and research; and that these needs are notbeing sufficiently filled at the present because of a shortage of human tissuedonors. The General Assembly establishes a coordinated human tissue donationprogram to facilitate the acquisition and distribution of human tissues topromote the public health. For the purposes of this Part, the term "humantissue" includes cadavers.
(b) The Departmentshall establish and administer a coordinated program among departments andagencies of the State and all groups, both public and private, involved in theacquisition and distribution of human tissue to:
(1) Increase awarenessof the need for human tissue donations and of the methods by which thesedonations are made;
(2) Increase awarenessof the existing programs of human tissue transplantation and of medicalresearch and education which employs human tissue and share information withthe public;
(3) Study the problemssurrounding the acquisition and distribution of human tissue and makesuggestions for their solution;
(4) Disseminateinformation to health and other professionals concerning the techniques ofhuman tissue retrieval and transplantation, the legalities involved in makinganatomical gifts; and
(5) Arrange for thequick and precise transportation of donated human tissue in emergencytransplant situations.
(c) All departments andagencies of the State and county and municipal law‑enforcement agenciesshall cooperate with the coordinated human tissue donation program institutedby the Department. (1983, c. 891, s. 2.)