§130A‑418. Deceased migrant agricultural workers and their dependents.
(a) Notwithstanding anyother provisions of law, a person having knowledge of the death of a migrantagricultural worker or a worker's dependent shall without delay report thedeath to the department of social services in the county in which the body islocated together with any information regarding the deceased includingidentity, place of employment, permanent residence, and the name, address andtelephone number of any relative and any interested person. The countydepartment of social services shall, within a reasonable time of receiving thisreport, transmit to the Department notice of the death and information receivedupon notification. The Department shall make reasonable effort to inform thenext‑of‑kin and any interested person of the death.
(b) If the identity ofthe person cannot be determined within a reasonable period of time, or if thebody is unclaimed 10 days after death, the body shall be offered to theCommission of Anatomy and, upon its request, shall be delivered to theCommission of Anatomy. If the Commission of Anatomy does not request anunclaimed body offered it or the estate, and if the relatives or otherinterested persons claiming the body are unable to provide for the finaldisposition of the migrant agricultural worker or dependent, the Department isauthorized and directed to arrange for the final disposition of the decedent.
(c) If the estate,relatives or interested persons are able to provide for final disposition butare unable to effect the transportation of the decedent to the decedent's legalresidence or the legal residence of the relatives or interested persons, theDepartment is authorized and directed to allocate a sum of not more than twohundred dollars ($200.00) to defray the transportation expenses.
(d) The Secretary isauthorized to adopt rules necessary to implement this section. (1975,c. 891; 1977, c. 648; 1983, c. 891, s. 2.)