Childhood Vaccine‑RelatedInjury Compensation Program.
§ 130A‑422. Definitions.
The following definitionsapply throughout this Article, unless the context clearly implies otherwise:
(1) "Claimant"means any person who files a claim for compensation for a vaccine‑relatedinjury pursuant to G.S. 130A‑425(b). In the case of a minor orincompetent, a claim may be filed by a guardian ad litem, parent, guardian, orother legal representative; and, in the case of a decedent, the claim may befiled by an administrator, executor, or other legal representative.
In the eventthat more than one person claims to have suffered compensable injuries as theresult of the administration of a covered vaccine to a single individual, allthese persons shall be treated for purposes of this Article as if they were asingle claimant. A single joint claim shall be filed on behalf of all thesepersons, and the limitations on awards set forth in G.S. 130A‑427(b)apply to that joint claim or subsequent joint action as if it were a claimfiled on behalf of a single individual.
(2) "Commission"means the North Carolina Industrial Commission.
(3) "Coveredvaccine" means a vaccine administered pursuant to the requirements of G.S.130A‑152.
(4) "Respondent"means the person or entity the claimant identifies in the claim as the agent ofcausality of the vaccine‑related injury.
(5) "Vaccine‑relatedinjury", with respect to persons engaged in the manufacture, distribution,or sale, or administration of a covered vaccine, means any injury, disability,illness, death, or condition caused by the vaccine. "Vaccine‑relatedinjury" shall not mean any injury, disability, illness, death, orcondition caused by the method of injection of the vaccine into the body. (1985(Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1008, s. 1; 1987, c. 215, s. 8.)