§130A‑447. Accreditation of persons performing asbestos management andapproval of training courses.
(a) No person shallcommence or continue to perform asbestos management activities unless he hasbeen accredited by the Department. No person shall commence or continue toprovide asbestos related training courses unless the course has been approvedby the Department. The Commission shall adopt rules governing the accreditationof persons performing asbestos management activities and the approval of trainingcourses. Such rules shall include categories of accreditation and shall specifyappropriate education, experience, and training requirements. The rules shallestablish separate categories of accreditation for inspectors, managementplanners, abatement designers, supervisors, workers, air monitors, andsupervising air monitors. These rules shall be at least as stringent as theaccreditation plan required under AHERA and regulations adopted pursuantthereto.
(b) A person whoapplies for accreditation in the worker category may engage in asbestoscontaining material management activities as though he were accredited in theworker category for up to 90 days after the date he submits his application. Noperson whose application is rejected may continue to engage in asbestoscontaining material management activities under this subsection.
(c) The followingpersons are exempt from the accreditation requirements:
(1) The owner oroperator of a building, other than school buildings subject to the provisionsof AHERA, and his permanent employees when performing small‑scale, shortduration activities, as defined in 40 C.F.R. Pt. 763, Subpt. E, Appendix C(1994).
(2) A person performingasbestos containing material management activities in his personal residence.
(3) Governmentalregulatory personnel performing inspections of asbestos containing materialmanagement activities solely for the purpose of determining compliance withapplicable statutes or regulations.
(4) Persons licensed bythe General Contractors Licensing Board, State Board of Examiners of Plumbingand Heating Contractors, State Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors, orthe State Board of Refrigeration Examiners when engaged in activitiesassociated with their license when performing small‑scale, short durationactivities, as defined in 40 C.F.R. Pt. 763, Subpt. E, Appendix C (1994). (1989,c. 724, s. 1; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 686, s. 3; 1995, c. 123, s. 8.)