§130A‑453.02. Purpose of Article.
(a) This Article isenacted to establish an authorized State program under section 404 of the ToxicSubstances Control Act (15 U.S.C. § 2684), as enacted by Subtitle B, section1021 of the Residential Lead‑Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992(Pub. L. 102‑550, 106 Stat. 3916), that will apply in this State in lieuof the corresponding federal program administered by the federal EnvironmentalProtection Agency. This Article requires a person who performs an inspection,risk assessment, or abatement of a child‑occupied facility or targethousing to be certified and establishes the procedure and requirements forcertification. It also requires a person who conducts an abatement of a child‑occupiedfacility or target housing to obtain a permit for the abatement.
(b) This Article doesnot require the inspection, risk assessment, or abatement of a child‑occupiedfacility or target housing under any circumstance. G.S. 130A‑131.5 andthe rules adopted to implement that section authorize the Department to orderan abatement to eliminate a lead poisoning hazard. This Article does not expandor otherwise change that authority. (1997‑523, s. 1.)