§ 130A‑45.01. Definitions.
As used in this Part, unlessotherwise specified:
(1) "Authorityservice area" means the area within the boundaries of the authority asprovided for in G.S. 130A‑45.4.
(2) "Board"means a public health authority board created under this Part.
(3) "County"means the county which is, or is about to be, included in the territorialboundaries of a public health authority when created hereunder.
(4) "County boardof commissioners" means the legislative body charged with governing the county.
(5) "Department"means the Department of Health and Human Services.
(6) "Federalgovernment" means the United States of America, or any agency,instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the United States of America.
(7) "Government"means the State and federal governments and any subdivision, agency, orinstrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of either of them.
(8) "Public healthauthority" means a public body and a body corporate and politic organizedunder the provisions of this Part.
(9) "Public healthfacility" means any one or more buildings, structures, additions,extensions, improvements, or other facilities, whether or not located on thesame site or sites, machinery, equipment, furnishings or other real or personalproperty suitable for providing public health services; and includes, withoutlimitation, local public health departments or centers; public health clinicsand outpatient facilities; nursing homes, including skilled nursing facilitiesand intermediate care facilities, adult care homes for the aged and disabled;public health laboratories; administration buildings, central service and otheradministrative facilities; communication, computer and other electronicfacilities; pharmaceutical facilities; storage space; vehicular parking lotsand other such public health facilities, customarily under the jurisdiction ofor provided by public health departments, or any combination of the foregoing,with all necessary, convenient or related interests in land, machinery,apparatus, appliances, equipment, furnishings, appurtenances, site preparation,landscaping, and physical amenities.
(10) "Realproperty" means lands, lands under water, structures, and any and alleasements, franchises and incorporeal hereditaments and every estate and righttherein, legal and equitable, including terms for years and liens by way ofjudgment, mortgage or otherwise.
(11) "State"means the State of North Carolina. (1997‑502, s. 1.)