§ 130A‑45.02. Creationof a public health authority.
(a) A public healthauthority may be created upon joint resolution of the county board ofcommissioners and the local board of health that it is in the interest of thepublic health and welfare to create a public health authority to provide publichealth services as required under G.S. 130A‑34.
(b) A public healthauthority including more than one county may be formed upon joint resolution ofthe county boards of commissioners and local boards of health havingjurisdiction over each of the counties involved.
(c) After the adoptionof a resolution creating a public health authority, a public health authorityboard shall be appointed in accordance with G.S. 130A‑45.1.
(d) A county may join apublic health authority upon joint resolution of the boards of commissionersand local boards of health having jurisdiction over each of the countiesinvolved.
(e) A public healthauthority board shall govern the public health authority. All powers, duties,functions, rights, privileges, or immunities conferred on the public healthauthority may be exercised by the authority board.
(f) The public healthauthority board shall absorb the functions, assets, and liabilities of thecounty or district boards of health, and that board is dissolved.
(g) For the purpose ofChapter 159 of the General Statutes, a public health authority is a publicauthority as defined in G.S. 159‑7(b)(10).
(h) Before adopting aresolution creating a public health authority, the county board of commissionersshall hold a public hearing with notice published at least 10 days before thehearing.
(i) For the purposesof Article 9 of Chapter 131E of the General Statutes, a public health authorityis a person as defined in G.S. 131E‑176(19). (1997‑502, s. 1; 2001‑92,s. 3.)