§ 130A‑45.1. Membershipof the public health authority board.
(a) A public healthauthority board shall be the policy‑making, rule‑making, andadjudicatory body for a public health authority and shall be composed of nofewer than seven members and no more than nine members; except that in anauthority comprising two or more counties, the board shall be composed of nomore than 11 members. Boards which intend to pursue federally qualified healthcenter (or look‑alike) status may have no fewer than nine and no morethan 25 members.
(b) In a single countyauthority, the county board of commissioners shall appoint the members of theboard; in an authority comprising two or more counties, the chair of the countyboard of commissioners of each county in the authority shall appoint one countycommissioner, or the commissioner's express designee, to the authority boardand these members shall jointly appoint the other members of the board.
(c) The members of theboard shall include:
(1) At least onephysician licensed under Chapter 90 of the General Statutes to practicemedicine in this State, and at least one dentist licensed under Article 2 ofChapter 90 of the General Statutes to practice dentistry in this State;
(2) At least one countycommissioner or the commissioner's express designee from each county in theauthority;
(3) At least twolicensed or registered professionals from any of the following professions:optometry, veterinary science, nursing, pharmacy, engineering, or accounting;
(4) At least one memberfrom the administrative staff of a hospital serving the authority service area;and
(5) At least one memberfrom the general public.
(d) Except as providedin this subsection, members of the board shall serve terms of three years. Inorder to establish a uniform staggered term structure for the Board, a membermay be appointed for less than a three‑year term.
(e) Any member who is acounty commissioner serves on the board in an ex officio capacity.
(f) Whenever a countyshall join or withdraw from an existing public health authority, the boardshall be dissolved and a new board shall be appointed as provided in subsection(b) of this section.
(g) Vacancies shall befilled within 120 days for any unexpired portion of a term.
(h) A chair shall beelected annually by a board. The authority director shall serve as secretary tothe board.
(i) A majority of themembers shall constitute a quorum.
(j) A member may beremoved from office by the board for any of the following:
(1) Commission of afelony or other crime involving moral turpitude.
(2) Violation of a Statelaw governing conflict of interest.
(3) Violation of awritten policy adopted by the county board of commissioners of each county inthe authority.
(4) Habitual failure toattend meetings.
(5) Conduct that tendsto bring the office into disrepute.
(6) Failure to maintainqualifications for appointment required under subsection (c) of this section.
A board member may be removedonly after the member has been given written notice of the basis for removaland has had the opportunity to respond.
(k) Board members mayreceive per diem in an amount established by the county commissioner members ofthe Public Health Authority Board. Reimbursement for subsistence and travelshall be in accordance with a policy set by the county commissioner members ofthe Public Health Authority Board.
(l) The board shallmeet at least quarterly. The chair or three of the members may call a specialmeeting. (1997‑502,s. 1; 2005‑459, s. 2; 2007‑229, s. 1.)