Article 23.
Smoking Prohibited inPublic Places and Places of Employment.
Part 1A. Findings and Intent.
§ 130A‑491. Legislativefindings and intent.
(a) Findings. TheGeneral Assembly finds that secondhand smoke has been proven to cause cancer,heart disease, and asthma attacks in both smokers and nonsmokers. In 2006, areport issued by the United States Surgeon General stated that the scientificevidence indicates that there is no risk‑free level of exposure tosecondhand smoke.
(b) Intent. It is theintent of the General Assembly to protect the health of individuals in publicplaces and places of employment and riding in State government vehicles fromthe risks related to secondhand smoke. It is further the intent of the GeneralAssembly to allow local governments to adopt local laws governing smokingwithin their jurisdictions that are more restrictive than the State law. (2007‑193, s. 1; 2008‑149,s. 1; 2009‑27, s. 1.)