§130A‑75. Validation of extension of boundaries of districts.
(a) All actions priorto April 1, 1957, taken by the State Board of Health, a county board ofcommissioners, and a sanitary district board for the purpose of extending theboundaries of a sanitary district where the territory which was annexedcontained no resident freeholders, and where the owner or owners of the realproperty annexed requested of the sanitary district board that the territory beannexed to the sanitary district, are validated, notwithstanding any lack ofpower to perform these acts or proceedings, and notwithstanding any defect orirregularity in the acts or proceedings.
(b) All actions andproceedings prior to April 1, 1979, taken by the State Board of Health, theCommission, a board of county commissioners and a sanitary district board forthe purpose of annexing additional territory to a sanitary district or withrespect to the annexation are validated notwithstanding any lack of power toperform these acts or proceedings or any defect or irregularity in any acts orproceedings; these sanitary districts are lawfully extended to include thisadditional territory. (1959, c. 415, s. 2; 1975, c. 712, s. 1; 1979, 2ndSess., c. 1079, s. 1; 1983, c. 891, s. 2.)