§130A‑8. Counties to recover indirect costs on certain federal publichealth or mental health grants.
(a) The Departmentshall include in its request for federal funds applicable to public health ormental health grants from the federal government to the State or any of itsagencies, indirect costs incurred by counties acting as subgrantees under thegrants or otherwise providing services to the Department with regard to thegrants to the full extent permitted by OMB Circular A‑87 or itssuccessor. The Department shall allow counties to claim and recover theirindirect costs on these grants to the full extent permitted by the Circular.
(b) This section shallnot apply to those federal public health or mental health grants which areformula grants to the State or which are otherwise limited as to the maximumamounts receivable on a statewide basis. (1977, c. 876, ss. 1, 2;1983, c. 891, s. 2.)