Article 1A.
Control over ChildPlacing and Child Care.
§ 131D‑10.1. Purpose.
It is the policy of this Stateto strengthen and preserve the family as a unit consistent with a high priorityof protecting children's welfare. When a child requires care outside the familyunit, it is the duty of the State to assure that the quality of substitute careis as close as possible to the care and nurturing that society expects of afamily. However, the State recognizes there are instances when protecting achild's welfare outweighs reunifying the family unit, and as such, the care ofresidential care facilities providing high quality services that includemeeting the children's educational needs as determined by the Department ofHealth and Human Services, Division of Social Services can satisfy the standardof protecting a child's welfare, regardless of the child's age, particularlywhen the sibling groups can be kept intact.
The purpose of this Article isto assign the authority to protect the health, safety and well‑being ofchildren separated from or being cared for away from their families. (1983, c. 637, s. 2; 2009‑408,s. 1.)