Article 3.
Adult Care HomeResidents' Bill of Rights.
§ 131D‑19. Legislativeintent.
It is the intent of theGeneral Assembly to promote the interests and well‑being of the residentsin adult care homes and assisted living residences licensed pursuant to Part 1of this Article. It is the intent of the General Assembly that every resident'scivil and religious liberties, including the right to independent personaldecisions and knowledge of available choices, shall not be infringed and thatthe facility shall encourage and assist the resident in the fullest possibleexercise of these rights. It is the intent of the General Assembly that rulesdeveloped by the Social Services Commission to implement Article 1 and Article3 of Chapter 131D of the General Statutes encourage every resident's quality oflife, autonomy, privacy, independence, respect, and dignity and provide thefollowing:
(1) Diverse andinnovative housing models that provide choices of different lifestyles that areacceptable, cost‑effective, and accessible to all consumers regardless ofage, disability, or financial status;
(2) A residentialenvironment free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation;
(3) Available,affordable personal service models and individualized plans of care that aremutually agreed upon by the resident, family, and providers and that includemeasurable goals and outcomes;
(4) Client assessment,evaluation, and independent case management that enhance quality of life byallowing individual risk‑taking and responsibility by the resident fordecisions affecting daily living to the greatest degree possible based on theindividual's ability; and
(5) Oversight,monitoring, and supervision by State and county governments to ensure everyresident's safety and dignity and to assure that every resident's needs,including nursing and medical care needs if and when needed, are being met. (1981, c. 923, s. 1; 1995,c. 535, s. 12; 2009‑462, s. 4(g).)